All Gall is Divided: The Aphorisms of a Legendary Iconoclast

I somehow love the cynical thoughts of Cioran than the optimistic fodder of motivational morons. EM Corian, the Romanian Philosopher, is perhaps the most pessimistic writer who lures the reader with his iconoclastic thoughts about everything- life, Gods, religion, society and culture. His writings is like that of someone possessed; subversive, demoniacal, anti-inspirational, feverish and finally enchanting. I just finished reading his book, ” All Gall is Divided: The Aphorisms of a Legendary Iconoclast”. Here are some quotes I loved.   “Everything must be revised, even sobs …”   “To be bored is to guzzle time”   “A monk and a butcher fight it out within each desire.”   “Between Ennui and Ecstasy unwinds our whole experience of time.”

“In a world without melancholy, nightingales would belch.”   “The flesh is incompatible with charity: orgasm transforms the saint into a wolf”   “Music is the refuge of souls wounded by happiness.”

“I am like a broken puppet whose eyes have fallen inside.” This remark of a mental patient weighs more heavily than a whole stack of works of introspection.”

“Our sadnesses prolong the mystery sketched by the mummies’ smile.”

“Many times I have sought refuge in that lumber room which is Heaven, many times I have yielded to the need to suffocate in God!”

“Sooner or later, each desire must encounter its lassitude: its truth …”

“Compel men to lie down for days on end: couches would succeed where wars and slogans have failed. For the operations of Ennui exceed in effectiveness those of weapons and ideologies.”

“We rarely meditate in a standing position, still less walking. It is from our insistence on maintaining the vertical that Action is born; hence, to protest its misdeeds, we ought to imitate the posture of corpses.”

“We rarely meditate in a standing position, still less walking. It is from our insistence on maintaining the vertical that Action is born; hence, to protest its misdeeds, we ought to imitate the posture of corpses.”

“Nothing reveals the vulgar man better than his refusal to be disappointed.”

“Without God, everything is nothingness; and God? Supreme nothingness.”

“The best way of distancing ourselves from others is to invite them to delight in our defeats; afterward, we are sure to hate them for the rest of our days.”

“Every action flatters the hyena within us.”

“A man’s secret coincides with the sufferings he craves.”

“For two thousand years, Jesus has revenged himself on us for not having died on a sofa.”

“Only erotic natures sacrifice to boredom, disappointed in advance by love.”

“A monk and a butcher fight it out within each desire.”

“Each of us shuts himself up in his fear — his ivory tower.”

“Each day is a Rubicon in which I aspire to be drowned”


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